Workouts to keep you going this winter season

We partnered up with Jen Kates to bring you Two Quick and + Effective Strength Workouts for Mountain Bikers This Winter. 

Words by Jen Kates
Let’s not call it an “off season” once the snow starts to fly. Instead, consider it a “bridge season” so you can discover the ways you can support your progression both on and off the bike – even if you’re permanently off the bike because of the snow.

How can you best “bridge” the season? Strength training! Strength training helps you build the stability, strength, and power needed to drive your energy to your pedals. Being stronger and more stable allows you to be more resilient to injury, too – and who doesn’t want that?
Give these two simple yet effective workouts a try this winter as you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

Workout #1 PEDAL POWER:

This workout primarily focuses on the muscles that drive power to your pedals (hi, glutes and quads), while also helping to keep your knees and hips more stable and strong.

Perform each movement for :10-:30 (per side if it’s a unilateral movement that needs to be replicated on both sides). 
Rest :10-:30 between each movement before moving onto the next movement. 
Rest 1:00 between each set and aim for 3-5 sets altogether. 

1. Glute Bridge with Bands

1.a Glute Bridge with Bands Progression

These can progress to Hip Thrust with Banded Hip Flexor March:

2. Isometric Wall Sit w/Adduction

3. Kickstand Deadlifts

3.a Kickstand Deadlifts Progression

These can progress to Single-leg Romanian deadlifts 

4. Step Ups w/Power Drives

Just because mountain biking is powered mostly by your legs doesn’t mean that you should skip strengthening your core or upper body. In fact, your core is where you drive most of your power from, so it is crucial!

Workout #2 PUSH + PULL + ROTATE:

In this next workout, you’ll focus on your upper body and strengthen the core muscles that help support you on your bike. These also help you push and pull yourself over and around your bike as you navigate technical terrain, and who doesn’t want to feel more powerful (and more energetic) on challenging terrain?

Perform each movement for :10-:30 (per side if it’s a unilateral movement that needs to be replicated on both sides). 
Rest :10-:30 between each movement before moving onto the next movement. 
Rest 1:00 between each set and aim for 3-5 sets altogether

1. Plank Marches

2. Russian Twists

3. Elevated pushups

4. 3-Point Rows​

4.a 3-Point Rows Progression

These can progress to Renegade Rows:


Do each of these workouts once a week for 4-6 weeks at a time, progressing the time you perform each movement and/or the number of reps once you build confidence and strength in each movement. See what a difference they can make this winter (or “bridge”) season.
Here’s to making your next season more resilient and powerful!

About the author, Jen Kates (Master Health Coach, NASM CPT):

Jen is a PMBIA-certified mountain bike coach for VNTRbirds, and the owner of Shift Human Performance where she’s a full-time coach for folks seeking to feel strong, energetic, confident, and well-fueled in their lives. She’s been coaching for over 15 years and is a self-proclaimed nerd, having spent over 12 years in the research industry in her previous career, so she seeks to balance science with reality for every client. Learn more about her #ShredStrong strength + conditioning program, her health coaching, or listen to her podcast, Making Shift Happen, here: Be sure to follow her on Instagram here.

Strength Training with Anne Galyean and group MTB photo by Natalie Starr- @natalierstarr

Jen Kates photos by Dr. Trevor Bennion- @portraitscientist

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